MICRONEEDLING 101: Understanding what it is and how it works to refresh and rejuvenate skin

Microneedling is a cosmetic facial procedure that is occasionally also referred to as collagen induction therapy. Microneedling in Singapore, such as the Dermapen treatment offered by The Aesthetic Studio Wellness, has become a steadily more popular treatment for pigmentation and acne scars, among other skin concerns.

What is Microneedling?

Microneedling is an innovative rejuvenation process that relies on stimulating the body’s natural ability to produce collagen and elastin.

Tiny, sterilized needles are applied to the skin in a targeted area, purposefully creating micro-injuries. In the event of injuries, our skin produces more fibroblast cells while simultaneously ridding itself of the old, damaged skin responsible for scarring or wrinkling. More collagen and elastin is created, resulting in plumper, younger looking skin.

Do-it-yourself microneedling home kits do exist, however most medical professionals have advised against these simply because of the risk of inadequate sterilization. Dr. Lee personally prefers Dermapen because of its industry-leading safety features and the fine precision control it affords.

Who should consider it?

While microneedling is most commonly considered a facial treatment, it can actually be used to safely treat all kinds of scars ranging from acne scars to post-surgery scars as well as to address loose body skin.

Of course, anyone who fancies a more rejuvenated appearance can consider Dermapen. In fact, Dr. Lee has incorporated it alongside other forms of treatment to offer a variety of unique facials in accordance with his belief in customising every patient’s experience to best suit their goals and needs.

What should I expect?

Before any actual treatment takes place, you will first meet with your treatment provider to discuss your options, concerns, and expectations in a one-to-one consultation.

Every facial includes an aroma press, double cleansing, exfoliation, specialist machine, mask, and the application of toner, moisturiser and sun protection. Each treatment is carried out by one of our experienced skin therapists and is customised to your needs.

The benefits of Dermapen microneedling are:

  • Rejuvenated, plumper skin with a more youthful appearance

  • Adjustable needle depth allow for greater customisation according to your needs

  • Minimal discomfort and very little downtime

  • Minimal skin trauma inflicted resulting in significantly decreased pain and redness

  • The procedure usually takes 10-20 minutes, depending on the size of the area being treated.

  • Most people require 4-6 treatments in order for visible results; the key to this treatment depends on the body’s natural self-healing function so immediate results

Post-treatment Care

After your Dermapen session, the main thing to remember is that your skin will be highly sensitive. Here are some points to be mindful of:

  • Avoid unnecessary exposure to sunlight

  • Certain sunscreens may contain toxins that harm your skin as it heals, do discuss this with your assigned skin therapist.

  • Steer clear of products containing “active ingredients”

  • While normally non-harmful in their own right, many such ingredients could irritate your healing skin. This point can be discussed either before or after your treatment for a better understanding of what is best for your skin specifically.

  • Collagen-stimulating peptides are your friend

  • These will boost your skin’s natural collagen formation and further aid in optimising the recovery process.

  • Stay hydrated

  • Our skin therapists will provide you with cooling aftercare to soothe any reddening of the skin or inflammation.

  • Avoid excessive physical exertion since too much sweating may increase risk of infection as your pores enlarge.

The Aesthetic Studio Wellness is all about achieving the best results for your skin and body. This means that everything from techniques to technology is factored into the design of our highly targeted medi-facials. Our bespoke menu, designed by Dr Jonathan Lee, combines cutting-edge medical-grade equipment and experienced therapists, brings you innovative and clinically-tested ways to explore, enhance, elevate, and express your own unique beauty.


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